Creating a Lasting Legacy
A memoriam is a special tribute to a person who has created a lasting legacy. The purpose of a memorial is not only to honor and preserve the individual’s legacy, but to also create a permanent record that the person’s future relatives can learn from. While it can take on any number of forms, a memoriam headstone is often a key centerpiece of any memoriam.
The memorial industry offers a good selection of memoriam headstones as well as other memoriam products such as urns, statues, and even memoriam flag cases. Since a memoriam in a cemetery will usually revolve around a beautiful memoriam headstone, we list below a little about the two basic varieties of memoriam headstones that many dealers offer: bronze and granite.
Bronze memoriam headstones are becoming very popular in cemeteries across America and the world. These beautiful memoriam headstones owe their popularity to the sturdiness of bronze as a headstone material. Over the centuries, bronze has become known as an incredibly hearty metal that has been used for everything from weapons to statues to tools, of course, memoriam headstones since at least 2000 B.C. Their long lasting construction makes bronze memoriam headstones perfect for memorializing loved-ones for generations to come.

Granite memoriam tombstones have been, probably, the most popular choice for a memoriam centerpiece in the thousands of years that headstones have been in use. Granite headstones are perfect for a long-lasting memoriam because granite, itself, is among the most durable natural materials that the Earth has to offer. Over the centuries, granite has long been known as Earth’s most elegant natural stone and it, accordingly, has been used to build, aside from countless numbers of memoriam headstones, of course, many of the world’s most elegant structures. Artists and architects of most of the world’s most storied cultures (the Ancient Greeks and the Romans, to name just two) have used granite in their timeless memoriam creations. Granite headstones, therefore, are perfect for a memoriam because of this historical connection to just about everything human. Their classic, long-lasting construction makes granite headstones perfect for a memoriam that will last for generations to come.
But, when it comes to establishing a perfect memoriam, headstones are just the start. The memorial industry offers a host of other products that will assure your loved-one’s memoriam is as special as it can be. Memoriam urns, for example, come in a wide variety shapes and sizes, one of which will surely capture your family member’s personality for the ages. Statues make wonderful, meaningful additions to any memoriam garden, and flag cases can be displayed elegantly in almost any room to serve as a patriotic memoriam for any military veteran.
Memoriam products can make for wonderful compliments to any other traditional memoriam. Some families, for example, dedicate buildings, establish foundations, plant special gardens to honor a lost loved one. One of the most unique memoriams worth mentioning is a product of our modern, technological ate. Some families build memoriam websites as a tribute to their lost loved one. The web address can then be shared with friends and family across the globe, and if properly maintained, will provide a great resource of information for years, or even decades to come.
The ways to create a memoriam are as unique as they are endless. However, they all share that the memoriam will not only honor the lost individual, but also create a great source of comfort for those who knew the individual and mourn their loss.